Sunil Chaudhary

Sunil Chaudhary

Visit by Regional head of ICICI

Regional Head ICICI Mr. Komal Sharma graciously blessed us with his presence at Manav Mandir. He was highly enthusiastic for meeting children and MD members. He also delivered a motivational speech and had a positive conversation with people attending the…

Our August 8, 2022 Rehab camp

One of the most enjoyable experience for all the MD Warriors and their families during the Rehabilitation Camp at Manav – Mandir is to be a part of the “Picnic with Purpose” The main purpose is to built a community…

Pranav’s battle with Duchene

Our latest story of joy is about another family with an eight-year old boy, Pranav Singh from Mumbai. Pranav suffers from Duchene Muscular Dystrophy(DMD), a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness. Pranav’s first setback was a little after he…

Nishtha’s 7 day camp experience

Sharing this video will help us to share more awareness about IAMD, Manav Mandir; the Only NGO Dedicated to Muscular Dystrophy patients In India. In Our Country most of the people & Doctors are still not aware about it. We…